One Regional Licensing and Permits Logo
City of Reno Logo City of Sparks Logo Washoe County Logo Northern Nevada Public Health Logo

Welcome to ONE Regional Licensing & Permits for Reno, Sparks, Washoe County and Washoe County Health District

ONE Regional Licensing & Permits is your all-access online system for permit information - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have already registered on, get help with the following:

Frequently asked question
Register Account
Link to existing account
Link Existing Account
Apply for Permit
Apply for Permit
Apply for License
Apply for License
Make a Payment
Make a Payment
inspection request
Request Inspection
How to renew
How to Renew

Registration and Login

To securely keep track of your permits, Register for an Account. If you already have an account, Log in now

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Customer Feedback

We appreciate feedback from our customers. Let us know how we can improve or expand ONE Regional Licensing & Permits:

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